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Maschi » Multi Ch Blues Who's Who VD Beerse Hoeve HD A ED 0:0


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Nome: Multi Ch Blues Who's Who VD Beerse Hoeve HD A ED 0:0
Nascita: 16 Ottobre 2000
Allevatore: M.B. Gerritsen
ED: 0:0
EYE: cert 2003

Genitori Nonni Bisnonni

Private Dancer V.D. Beerse Hoeve

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Lovehayne Darter

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Sansue Castallan BVA 5:5

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Sansue Pepper of Lovehayne

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Popcorn V.D. Beerse Hoeve

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Kamp. Standfast Angus D/Ger/VDH/ARG/Lux Ch WW 91-92-93 JWW 90 HD B

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Air-Borne Innocent V.D. Beerse Hoeve

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Multi Ch Bibi-Blues of the Hellacious Acres

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Kamp. Standfast Angus D/Ger/VDH/ARG/Lux Ch WW 91-92-93 JWW 90 HD B

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Mjaerumhogda's Crusader

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Westley Ramona

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Kamp. Westley Cathrina

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Stirchley Saxon

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Westley Julianna

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